Did you read an article in the Indoor Outlook that made you want to say, “HEY I have to something to say about THAT!”
Well, if something inspires you to send us your two cents, we welcome all letter that respond to articles or activities that have run on these pages. Email letters to sdisc.news@gmail.com or drop comments off when you attend the next event.
Letters will be published as submitted the following newsletter as long as it’s submitted by the same date as Sunday Dinner RSVP deadlines. We try and finish publication that Wednesday night so it can be printed on
Friday morning and be ready for Sunday Dinner distribution.
Suggestions for new classes, activities, performers, speakers are always welcome. If you would like to help by researching, writing articles, suggesting a topic or even a “Something to Think About” drop us a line!
The INDOOR OUTLOOK is the San Diego Indoor Sports Club newsletter. It is published monthly from September through May with a Special Summer Calendar Edition published for June-August.
If you would like to submit an article, Letter to the Editor or an item of interest, please E-mail SDISC.news@gmail.com by
Wednesday before Sunday Dinner. Any late submissions will be printed the following month.
We’d love to hear from you!