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Building Improvements

Our beautification project is moving along great! The reason for these updates is club transparency on decisions the Board of Directors makes after their discussions at the Board Meeting. If anyone is interested in attending these meetings, they are listed on the calendar And anyone is welcome.

Darin Sims has recovered from his holiday cold and has finished prepping the main walls of the building. He has started painting the wall facing the parking lot and it looks beautiful and classy.

David Rubi came and replaced the men’s toilets as they weren’t flushing properly. With the increase in usage due to building rentals, they have to be in proper working order.

Still looking for a KITCHEN CLEAN UP crew to help deep clean the kitchen. We need to TSP clean the walls, outer cabinets and appliances. We can pick a date, a time and get the kitchen all sparkling clean in the hopes of getting it painted.

Have you noticed something that needs fixing and we might not be aware that it’s broken? Please bring it to Willie Walker’s attention so we can do something about it!

Come on... get involved and leave your mark. STAY TUNED... MORE IMPROVEMENTS COMING SOON!

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